News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20220314

Published: 14/03/2022

New Features
[SuperScaler] Added: It is possible now to quickly fill fields on the "Add contact" page with the details of the main profile.
[SuperScaler] Added: New Email 2-factor authentication for login

Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Client with no preference of receiving billing email still receive email in place of billing contact
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Sending email with quotes escapes emails subject in mail client
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Can't enable cart forms for additional storage for Cloud Server
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Using single Librenms installation with multiple Cloud Server causes errors when trying to get usage data.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Status Updates Notifications may not be visible in some cases
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Support cases - double invoice is created in some cases.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Support cases - it is not possible to edit support fields in admin area
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Support cases - Ticket subject is not always set correctly.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Not all available tags lists for filter/hints in case
[SuperScaler] Fixed: JWT authentication stopped working in UserAPI

[Domain Names] Proxy Service will no longer be available for domain name registration.
[Cloud Server] 2GB Cloud Server plans will no longer have monthly subscriptions available.