News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20200625
New Features
[Cloud Infra] Added: Option to define multiple pools for Default IPv4/IPv6 Pool option.
[Cloud Infra] Added: Option to define multiple pools for the same bridge when setting up network mapping.
[Cloud Infra] Added: Option to disable/enable specific firewall options through the Firewall Client function config.
Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Invisible hints with knowledgebase articles when adding a new ticket.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: When placing an order, the currency is not always set correctly
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Knowledge Base Articles are always displayed in the default language for unlogged users
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Knowledge Base Categories in the client area are not displayed in the correct order
[Affiliates] Fixed: Subsequent redirects from a different affiliate are not recorded
[IP Address] Fixed: Private VLAN fails to provision with SQL error
Knowledgebase Update
[WebSpace] Remove DNS hosting from WebSpace and Office Mail which is by default originally.