News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20201001
New Features
[SuperScaler] Added: New feature to display your profile notes in Cloud Console
[SuperScaler] Added: "Service notes" client functions to show related, client-viewable notes
[Domain Name] Upgraded: New cleaner domain name sign up process
[Cloud Drive] Added: Free Tier. 3 Users + 1TB Diskspace
[WebSpace] Upgraded: Free Tier. WebSpace Solo - 50GB + 10 users
Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Cannot set custom details for contacts when ordering domain
[SuperScaler] Fixed: it is impossible to enter data into domains component forms
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Client profile edit can allow client to bypass email verification mechanism
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Language change fails in client portal if there is language geo rule set
[SuperScaler] Fixed: It is not possible to change the password for the customer profile
[Cloud Infra] Fixed: Error while trying to access IP management from client area
[Cloud Infra] Fixed: IP management does not work for IP Provisioning services
[Cloud Infra] Fixed: it is not possible to unassign an IP address on the account page in adminarea
[Cloud Infra] Fixed: Disk resize fails on v4.4
[Cloud Infra] Fixed: Rebuild fails if attached ISO was removed
[DNS Hosting] Fixed: A contact who does not have privileges for certain zones can see all available zones
[SSL Certificates] Fixed: Error when updating to invalid CSR