News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20210204
New Features
[API] Added: Ability to download, list and add attachments in a ticket reply
Bugs Fixed
[SuperScaler] Fixed: 2019 Cloud order page forms are not saving if a category has only one product
[API] Fixed: Specifying invoice item type does not work
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Cart logic does not work (show/hide) on date fields
[SuperScaler] Fixed: One domain can be assigned to multiple servers when placing an order
[SuperScaler] Fixed: It is not possible to save a credit card when placing an order if "New client" option is selected
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Unable to login a newly registered client during placing an order when "Captcha verify client login" option is enabled
[SuperScaler] Fixed: Misleading pre-registration domain error (stating transfer failed)
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Provisioning fails if multiple ssh keys are provided.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Upgrades do not change server CPU limit and CPU units.