News: ReadySpace Cloud Platform Release Notes : 20210903
New Features
[Cloud Server] Added: Admin VM list will also show the list of related backups.
[Cloud Server] Added: Option to define custom control panel URL in App settings,
[Cloud Server] Added: VM creation and termination will be recorded in the account log.
[Cloud Server] Added: Now, you can buy peace of mind to ensure that your backup is still available even after cloud server termination.
[WebSpace] Added: All WebSpace plans are now included with LSCache that speeds up your website
Bugs Fixed
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Backup list shows incorrect data if storage name has characters other than a-z.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Backup restores task does not start.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Changing backup storage location breaks old backups.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Os type is not changed when reinstalling server to new template.
[Cloud Server] Fixed: Provisioning fails to start clone if migration is required from temporary storage.
[SuperScaler] Fixed: cannot edit ticket body if it is encoded
[SuperScaler] Fixed: replies are incorrectly encoded if the admin closes the ticket immediately after sending a reply